The Authority of the Believer Class I am so thankful beyond words for LFM. I underwent surgery on my neck because of pain. The LFM notebook, CD and scripture sheets totally were a life-saver for me. My healing is a series of suddenlies, and of process. - Mary After several decades of chronic pain and sickness, the Lord has healed me of ALL fibromyalgia and ALL arthritis in my body! This is a huge MIRACLE for me. What's interesting is when I stopped wondering when the Lord would heal me, and let it go - it happened! Praise the Lord! - Maureen During the class I have grown dramatically in my knowledge and practice of the authority I have in Christ. My daily prayer walk has improved immensely; I have started using what I’ve learned to pray Christ’s blood and healing over myself and family; to bind the enemy and loose the Holy Spirit, and to seek with confidence all the blessings that God has already prepared for me! - Tim Coming to the class, I lived in defeat as a Christian. Though I believed in Jesus’ finished work, I let (knowingly) the enemy beat me down. In the class I learned about the power in the Name of Jesus, to love, to command, to bind and loose, and to be king at times and priest at others. This class has transformed my mind and renewed my hope. I’m fired up to practice and receive all the truths I learned in this study. Thank you Living Free teachers! - Andy Knowing that I am already seated in the Heavenly places with Christ (Eh 2:6) and seeing myself as a victor is so freeing. There is so much rest and freedom from fear and anxiety as I stand firm in who I am as a child of God. - Lynn God has showed to me the power of His love. He has given everything to me and more. Healing is not a problem, I’m healed! Finances are overflowing. - Alex I have learned how to have a personal relationship with Jesus. I now really understand the meaning of what He did for me on the cross. - Kristi Jesus loves me all the way, all the time!! I have been on a path of grief for several years now. My husband went to heaven in 2008, my son-in-law died suddenly in 2010, and my best friend committed suicide in 2011. I have learned to stand in Jesus’ authority, in His Name, in His blood, in His word. I am a king and a priest in His kingdom. I am ready to walk on the path of life now...love myself and others again. - Debbie |